8. Layer-3 - Orientation of Yellow Corners

Let's solve the orientation of the orientation of the Yellow Corners in Layer-3.

1. In this final step, all the pieces are placed correctly. But, the orientation of the yellow corners is incorrect.

2. Here, we can use the same algorithm which we used to solve the first layer corners.

R' D' R D

3.  Hold the cube in such a way that, the incorrect yellow corner is in the Front-Right-Upper corner of the cube.

4. Repeat the algorithm until the yellow piece comes to the correct position.

5. Now, turn only the Up face so that another incorrect yellow corner piece comes to the Front-Right-Upper corner of the cube.

6. Repeat Step(4).

7. The cube looks scrambled while doing the steps but, the cube will be solved when all the yellow corners are oriented properly.


Finally, the cube is solved. Congratulations !!! 

Watch the video

Related posts :

1. Know the Cube
2. Layer-1 - Solve the White Cross
3. Layer-1 - Solve the White Corners
4. Second Layer

5. Layer-3 - Yellow Cross

6. Layer-3 - Yellow Edges
7. Layer-3 - Yellow Corners in their place

